The Fidelis
Capital Story

our origin

For the first time, private bankers from rival institutions have come together

to bring the best of what they have learned over their 425+ years of collective experience to deliver a better client experience–one that focuses on assembling the right team of specialists around each client, a team that remains in place, develops a deep understanding of the client, and establishes a successor so Fidelis Capital can be there for your generations to come.

Fidelis Capital is an advisor-owned wealth management firm, dedicated to helping very successful people gain more time in their lives to enjoy what’s most important to them.

We do this by coordinating, clarifying and simplifying all their financial affairs so they can easily make smart decisions that impact their lives, their organizations, their families and their legacies.

Fidelis Capital is an advisor-owned wealth management firm, dedicated to helping very successful people gain more time in their lives to enjoy what’s most important to them.

We do this by coordinating, clarifying and simplifying all their financial affairs so they can easily make smart decisions that impact their lives, their organizations, their families and their legacies.

With over 425 years of experience, the Fidelis Capital team represents some of the industry’s most accomplished and recognized private banking professionals.

Inspired by a shared passion to make a difference in the lives of our clients, we have designed and developed a suite of effective solutions to manage the financial complexity our clients face.

We have chosen to be an independent entity,

free of corporate ownership and the conflicts of interest inherent with working at large public financial institutions. Our freedom empowers our ability to fulfill our fiduciary duty to our clients, while also providing the flexibility to identify and source relevant solutions from an unlimited array of service providers on behalf of our clients.

Fidelis Capital has been designed to alleviate both the stress and complexity of the challenges inherent in managing significant wealth, especially across generations.

Applying our experience, training and knowledge, we understand how to interpret the most sophisticated balance sheets and advise on the most complex array of needs. We take the time to manage our clients’ financial lives allowing them time to pursue their own passions.

We ground our service in a duty of loyalty and faithfulness that always and exclusively prioritizes our clients’ best interests.

We are humble enough to recognize that no one advisor can have all the answers. And we recognize that advisors can only deliver the best suite of solutions when they know the client’s entire financial picture, the values that drive the client’s decisions, and what is most important to the client.

We will be your faithful advocate, steward and fiduciary, giving you the comfort and confidence that all your financial affairs are being holistically coordinated to serve your best interests.

The Fidelis Capital Promise

We are committed to consistently delivering a client experience that fulfills the promise of what private banking used to be, elevated by the advantages of a team of highly skilled wealth management professionals who actually own the company.

Our CORE values


Preserving your greatest asset – time – is our ultimate goal, so we take on all the tasks that will give you the freedom to enjoy more of your life with peace of mind and confidence.

Extending from our role as your objective advisory team, we serve as an extension of your family, offering our fierce commitment to advocate for your best interests in all decisions that impact you and your loved ones.

We have a genuine passion for creating an extraordinary client experience for you, providing personal attention that begins with active, intentional listening and is supported by the proactivity and responsiveness of our entire team.

We aim to reduce the complexity of your financial life by delivering honest and objective advice, thoughtfully explained solutions, and transparency in all our actions.

Our goal is to make your life better. We do this by managing the complexity of your finances and wealth and return to you an invaluable asset – more time to pursue your passions.

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